Mentorship for speakers

[ελληνική έκδοση]

Imagine you want to apply to speak at WordCamp Larissa. You’re excited, but at the same time you’re overwhelmed with anxiety and hesitate to go ahead 😟 What it will be like on stage? Will it be crowded? What if they ask me questions? How will I manage?

Calm down 🙂 We have the solution!

At WordCamp Larissa 2024, there is an opportunity for mentorship. Through online sessions, we will help you eliminate stress and prepare for your talk.

The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived! Go to the call for speakers, fill out the form with your ideas and enable the mentorship ckeckbox. If you’re selected, we will contact you to arrange the online sessions.

We will be more than happy to have you with us, enjoy your talk and most importantly… see you having fun!