Call for sponsors

[ελληνική έκδοση]

The Greek WordPress community is pleased to announce the organization of the first WordCamp Larissa! All the talks and workshops will take place on Saturday November 9th and will be followed by Contributor Day on Sunday November 10th!

WordCamp Larissa 2024 will be the only WordCamp to be held in Greece this year, and aims to give professionals in the field as well as amateurs the opportunity to attend talks, participate in hands-on workshops, network and actively contribute to WordPress community.

Why sponsoring?

It’s simple! By investing in the Greek WordPress Community, you emphasize the importance of Open Software, you help cover basic needs of the event and you give participants the opportunity to attend a WordCamp with high quality services.

At the same time, attendees get to know your brand, you and your work better, and you can take advantage of the many networking opportunities.

Who can become a sponsor?

The available sponsor packages are suitable for multinational companies, small and medium businesses, freelancers or individuals who are interested in contributing to cover the basic needs of this event and at the same time being promoted through the conference.

Sponsor packages

Free tickets21x
Invitations for speakers’ dinner21x
At the venue
Table at the networking roomx
Swag and flyers from your company in the event bag
Logo on the printed schedulex
Display logo on the screen in-between sessionsx
Logo on the sponsors banner*xx
Display logo on the venue screensxx
References on the website
Logo and small presentation text of your company on the sponsors’ pageLarge logoMedium logoSmall logo
Logo on the home pagexx
Technical article from your company and sharing on the WordCamp’s social media**xx
Thank you blog post1 Individual1 IndividualCollective
References on social media
Social reference with a 30 sec video introducing your company
Social references during the event21x
Social references before the event1 Individual1 IndividualCollective
Other references and benefits
Display logo in the event’s aftermovie
Display logo in event’s newsletters
Display logo in the live streamingx
Possibility for a raffle in the Track A areaxx

* The sponsors banner is located in Track A and in the workshops room, and will be placed next to the speaker.

** Please contact the organizers’ team for writing instructions.

Alternative sponsor packages

Would you like to support the organization of WordCamp Larissa 2024, but do not want to use one of the sponsor packages above? No problem!

Contact us to explore the possibility of sponsoring the coffee break or lunch.


If you are interested in supporting the event, please fill out the contact form below and the organizers will contact you as soon as possible.

Is this your first time being a sponsor at a WordPress event?